Reference Code



Fonds Marega File A22

Date Range
Primary Date Range
Edo period
Date Range Notes
1780 (An’ei 9) to 1959 (Shōwa 34)
Description Level


99 records (49 paper slips including half-size genkō yōshi 原稿用紙 / Japanese writing paper and one hōshi 包紙 fragment, 42 mass-published books, 3 hōshi, 2 jō 状, 1 postcard, 1 book, 1 envelope)
Notes on Physical State
A22 was managed separately from files A1 to A21. A22.1.1 is the second volume of Marega’s collection of Bungo Christian historical materials (Zoku Bungo kirishitan shiryō 続豊後切支丹史料). It includes many notes by Marega and slips of paper between pages (42 in total). A22.1.2 was placed in a plastic file folder (A22.1.2.1–A22.1.2.14, 27 records). A22.2 is a group of items placed in a plastic bag used for preservation purposes (A22.2.1–A22.2.7, 35 records), as is A22.3 (A22.3.1–A22.3.4, 22 records).
Provenance / Creation
Father Mario Marega.
Place Name
Usuki City and Ōita City (Ōita Prefecture), Chōfu City (Tōkyō-to), Himon’ya (Meguro City, Tōkyō-to)
Positions, etc
Salesians of Don Bosco missionary.
Archival History
A22.1.1 and A22.1.2 had been held by the Salesian Seminary’s Chimatti Museum (Chofu, Tokyo, Japan). In October 2014, the museum gave them to the Vatican Library. A22.2 and A22.3 were managed separately from A1-A21 at the Vatican Library.
Scope and Content

This file contains a book by Marega and his research notes, as well as mass-published books that he collected. A22.1 consists of the second volume of his collection of Bungo Christian historical materials, research notes, correspondence, and more. A22.2 are mass-published books spanning from the Edo period (1603–1868) to the Meiji period (1868–1912). They include Seiyō jita ochiboshū 政要地方落穂集, Naigai jijō 内外事情, the second book of the first volume of Suetsumu hana すへ摘花, the twelfth volume of Seidan waka midori 清談和歌翠, Shunshoku yamato damashii 春色大和魂 (two vols.), Onna shisho geimonzue 女四書芸文図会 (four copies), and volumes one to ten of Geishū itsukushima jinja zue 藝州厳島神社図会. In these we find Marega’s book ownership stamp and notes, as well as items apparently used as bookmarks. On the front and back inside cover of Naigai jijō we find the name of its former owner: “Purchased on an auspicious day in June 1885. Property of Sakuma Isaburō, resident of Yachi, Nakakanbara District, Echigo Province.” In A22.3 we find copies of a 1780 Miyako meisho zue 都名所図会. Six were published by Osaka’s Kawachiya Tasuke, and six by Kyoto’s Yoshinoya Tamehachi. On these as well are Marega’s book ownership stamp and notes.

Languages Used
Japanese - 55, Italian - 45, Romanized Japanese - 4, other - 6
Date Description Written
Description Author
Nishimura Shintarō
Reference Images